• Friday math video: The surprising math of cities and corporations

    Updated: 2011-07-31 22:11:04
    This video discusses some of the reasons - and solutions - for global warming. It's all about scaling.

  • A Month of Math Software – July 2011

    Updated: 2011-07-31 11:55:51
    #leftcontainerBox { float:left; position: fixed; top: 60%; left: 70px; } #leftcontainerBox .buttons { float:left; clear:both; margin:4px 4px 4px 4px; padding-bottom:2px; } #bottomcontainerBox { height: 30px; width:50%; padding-top:1px; } #bottomcontainerBox .buttons { float:left; height: 30px; margin:4px 4px 4px 4px; } Welcome to July’s Month of Math Software, my regular summary of news and releases in the world of software for the mathematically inclined.  If you have a news item that you’d like to share in next month’s offering then feel free to contact me to discuss it.  If you like what you see here then [...]

  • Digikam technology help

    Updated: 2011-07-31 06:58:15
    Technology is obnoxious, it's always failing to do something that it should obviously be able to do. In my case, Digikam on Debian has been failing to provide thumbnails for video files for a long time. For those who have read the internet and been told to install the mplayerthumbs package and it will magically [...]

  • MATLAB GPU / CUDA experiences and tutorials on my laptop – Introduction

    Updated: 2011-07-27 22:02:29
    #leftcontainerBox { float:left; position: fixed; top: 60%; left: 70px; } #leftcontainerBox .buttons { float:left; clear:both; margin:4px 4px 4px 4px; padding-bottom:2px; } #bottomcontainerBox { height: 30px; width:50%; padding-top:1px; } #bottomcontainerBox .buttons { float:left; height: 30px; margin:4px 4px 4px 4px; } These days it seems that you can’t talk about scientific computing for more than 5 minutes without somone bringing up the topic of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs).  Originally designed to make computer games look pretty, GPUs are massively parallel processors that promise to  revolutionise the way we compute. A brief glance at the specification of a [...]

  • Conrad Wolfram on teaching Math

    Updated: 2011-07-16 12:44:13
    Here’s a recent interview in Madrid with Conrad Wolfram titled: The right way to teach math. What do you think? Wolfram founded ComputerBasedMath.org to change how Math is taught: How do we fix math education? The importance of math to … Continue reading →

  • Intro to IST and Nonstandard Analysis

    Updated: 2011-07-06 03:05:05
    Dover has just published their edition of Alain Robert's book on Nonstandard Analysis (NSA). This book is based on Internal Set Theory, a simplified axiomatic version of NSA. Those who follow the blog may remember that one of my interests is in using Nonstandard Analysis to make derivations of physical models easier and more precise, [...]

  • A Month of Math Software – June 2011

    Updated: 2011-07-05 02:04:53
    #leftcontainerBox { float:left; position: fixed; top: 60%; left: 70px; } #leftcontainerBox .buttons { float:left; clear:both; margin:4px 4px 4px 4px; padding-bottom:2px; } #bottomcontainerBox { height: 30px; width:50%; padding-top:1px; } #bottomcontainerBox .buttons { float:left; height: 30px; margin:4px 4px 4px 4px; } Welcome to the 6th edition of A Month Of Math Software where I take a look at all the shiny new things that are available for a geek like me to play with.  Previous editions are available here. Commercial Mathematics Software Mark 23 of the venerable NAG Fortran Library has been released.  The new version contains over [...]

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